Geometric Layout of a Public Space

Islamic pattern as the base for the layout of a public space

The use of an Islamic geometric pattern as the basis for the layout of precious public spaces is the corner stone of a design concept packed with symbolism and a noble recognition of the early Islamic artists that developed a form of art that has since become an icon of the Islamic civilization, and which remains - to our modern days - a field of study of both Western and Eastern scholars.

In such design paradigm, the public space is arranged following the pattern, articulating architectural and landscaping elements with the geometric elements of the composition.

A public space designed over a 32-pointed star geometric pattern grid.

A detail of the structure surrounding the central star.

Perspective view of the central dome and fountains

Cloase-up detail of the bronze panels forming the central dome

Islamic arches seen from the exterior of the circular structure

A view across one of the 32 fountainsA view across one of the 32 fountains

Double-decker structure as seen from the insideDouble-decker structure as seen from the inside

Details of the columns of the central domeDetails of the columns of the central dome

Interlace walk ways

Interlace walk ways in a forested areaInterlace walk ways in a forested area

Perspective view of the fountains converging on the center of the geometric design

Interlace walk ways in a forested areaInterlace walk ways in a forested area